DFW First-Time Homeowner's Road Map to Success

Buy Your First Home Like a Boss!
Cheesehead transplanted in Cowboy Country.
Real life hacks: from 1 week hotel guest stay to 2x homeowner. Homeownership lessons learned while living in Tarrant County for 10+ years.
Are you ready to overcome the obstacles of homeownership?
Evade unwise financial decisions, which could lead to destroyed buying power fueling endless marital money fights.
Avoid a bad floor plan pick, that drives your party guests nuts, leaving you so embarrassed that even your parents visit you out of pity.
And how to dodge $10,000+ in home repairs right off the bat!..."Relax! I got you covered. Even an avid watcher of 'House Hunters' could get stumped."
This free email course gives you everything you need to 'kick the tires' by learning 5 biggest mistakes you may encounter along the way. Trust me, I'm no stranger to driving over these ruts. Follow me as I guide you on how to swerve around these potholes on the road to homeownership, leading you into a smoother move.
Want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?
Here's everything that's inside:
Day 1: Floor Plan Blues Why none of your guests want to visit your house parties because there's not enough elbow space to mingle.Day 2: No House Inspeciton = Money Pit! Why you could pay $10,000+ on house repairs if you are too cheap to have one.Day 3: New Build Bling, Bling = BIG Ching, Ching! And how to avoid working tons of overtime just to make ends meet.Day 4: The DYIer's 'Shinny Things' Trap: How to avoid projects getting over your head drowning you in debt while spouting endless money martial spouts.Day 5: Where to Put My Stuff? = Where to Park?- Dilemma! And how turning your garage into storage, flipping your driveway into a parking lot can lead to theft or a broken leg.
Yee-haw! The first lesson of DFW First Time Homeownership Road Map to Success is on its way to your inbox.
Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me, Tim.This email contains instructions to get started with the DFW First Time Homeownership Road Map to Success, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'll be happy to help! :-)Now go and check your inbox ya'll!
P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤷🏻)